

Short biography

Dr Masahiro Zakoji is the technical lead overseeing the health workforce portfolio at the WHO Regional Office of the Western Pacific. He coordinates the development and implementation of regional initiatives to strengthen the health workforce and help generate evidence to inform the health workforce policies, in pursuit of universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals. He plays a critical role in linking the health workforce agenda to an effective model of service delivery, especially through a primary health care approach, to address the changing health needs of the population due to ageing, NCDs, climate change and health emergencies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he served as the lead for the health service delivery pillar to invest in the longer-term development of a resilient health workforce. He recently led the development of the new Regional Framework to Shape a Health Workforce for the Future of the Western Pacific in 2023.

Dr Zakoji is a family physician by training with 9 years of clinical experience, including 4 years as a director of a remote clinic in Japan. He joined WHO in 2018 in the South-East Asia Regional Office and later moved to the Regional Office for the Western Pacific in Manila in 2021. He’s a graduate of the School of Medicine, Kyushu University, Japan, and holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from Mahidol University, Thailand.

Key publications

For full details, please refer to ORCID 0000-0002-1913-1778 or Google Scholar profile.



Feature stories

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日本WHO協会 目で見るWHO
